Download ubuntu iso for virtualbox
Download ubuntu iso for virtualbox

download ubuntu iso for virtualbox

However, the problem with the dual boot is that you cannot use the same operating system at the same time. An alternate option you could also try out is the Linux Mint operating system on VirtualBox as its UI is a bit identical to windows 10.įor some, they wanted to use Ubuntu as the primary operating system but they don’t want to ditch their current operating system if that’s the case if you are using a windows machine then you can do a dual boot. Most of the developers also use Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 for the development work. The answer is Ubuntu desktop, it is a very popular Linux distribution that you can try out if you want to be familiar with Linux.

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And you are wondering what is the best Linux distribution out there that you can start with.

download ubuntu iso for virtualbox

If you are using a MAC or Windows 10 as your operating system and wanted to try out a Linux operating system.

Download ubuntu iso for virtualbox